Well written article, well summarized.

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Exorbitant privilege!!! That’s what you get for being in charge of the world. And (segue) that’s why you’ve got to pay the bills by sending some good ‘splodey stuff to Ukraine.

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Great article as always. It’s almost like the cantillon effect but for countries.

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Phenomenal as usual 🐻

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Wow, another great thought provoker! Thank you Bear!!

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I'd never considered it from this angle before. Very interesting.

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Incredibly informative! I didn’t realize that the United States money printing binge would have such a negative affect on other economies in the world. I recall reading a translation of one of Putin’s addresses to the Russian people claiming that the US fiscal policies were aimed at destroying their economy and that of other countries like them. At the time it seemed preposterous to me, because I didn’t give a thought how this might affect anyone else in the world. I just knew that it wasn’t going to be good for us. Your Monopoly board example rather crystallized in my mind how it all would affect other countries. Wow. I feel massively enlightened and rather sheepish that I didn’t see it before

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